okay, okay..
i know..
dh lme ak x tulis post yg membina minda.. kn??
asyik bg lirik lgu jiwang je.. haha
my broken strings, jgn majuk eh.. huhu..
cite pe ek? byk bnde dh jd..
de yg happy
de yg exciting
de yg surprising
de yg sedey
de yg ak-rase-bodo-laa
since abih matrix, cm bese laa.. meneruskn profession guru sambilan tusyen mlm..
tp xde laa de klas tetap cm dlu
cme bile de ckgu x dtg im unceremoniously hired..
haha, naseb2..
hurm.. pas abih hrtue hr rabu, ak lepak jap kt umah..
then friday pi perkampungan belia kt kem lanchang..
until ahd.. gile xleh blah..
hahaha.. facilities kt sane yg x larat nk menampung lbh 500 org peserta tlah dibanjiri lbh kurang nk dkt 2 ribu org...
terbaek lah.. setakat x mndi tu xyah ckp ah..
dont worry blk umah ak berkubang puas2, haha..
then last nite tu de mass hysteria plak..
lg xleh blah..
ak siap kne tendang lg.. siot tol laa
naseb la bdk tu x sdr mase tu.. klu x.. peh..
soknye blk ak demam. pns.gile..
pegi klinik, dpt ubt.. blk umah, mkn ubt..
then melarat.. batuk2, selsema, sakit dada, sakit pale sume xyah ckp ah..
lengkap pakej.. lantas dibwa ke hospital...
lantas juga ak dikuarantin oleh encik doctor.. disease: influenza-like illness..
siot btul de org ckp ak kne h1n1.. mangkok.. haha
mkn ubt dh cm mkn nasik..
biarpn bermask, ak tetap merayap ke umah L ble ak rase x demam dh..
nk kasi sehat, kne peluh2 skit an?? huhu
2 weeks later, i never felt better.. sehat dh la, tggl batuk je..
dh abih tulis jurnal kesihatan izreen farhana..
hrtu gak pas ak dh sehat skit ak pat surat pd hr isnin yg bertuah
surat bercop pos laju dr kerajaan msia..
rupenye kne pi interbiu hr rabu.. peh..
lantas hr rabu itu pg2 lg ak sudah bergerak ke bukit katil..
alhamdulillah.. ak rase ok kot.. xdelaa gabra sgt.. insyaallah..
then, sabtu de ujian munsyil kt smk pdg temu..
cm bese laa, masalah kluarga yg x abih2.. mls dh ak nk pkir..
juz let it be..
cian my broken strings kne lyn otak ak yg jiwang tiap2 hr..
xde laa
ak happy skrg..
and nnt de planning nk ronggeng kt banda mlk.. bersama2 geng2 yg len, of course
cant wait..
its funny dat when im with him, i can be me..
i dont have to lock the real me inside..
its funny dat when im upset, he always knows..
when im sick, he tries to cheer me up..
when i get fed-up with this big, cruel world..
he'll gives me hope and reminds me that im never alone..
Allah is always,always with us..
and setiap ujian tu ade hikmahNYa..
he reminds me the things that i already know, but i forgot sometimes..
the truth is, i depended on him more than both he and me knows..
he said that i always protect him but thats juz me
i needed to be needed by sumone..
makes my life worth it..
haha.. hope this lasts.. insyaAllah..
Sunday, May 2, 2010
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1 comment:
mok , smoge b'bhgia selalu .
hahaha :D
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