Wednesday, March 2, 2011


time flies.. now its already march..
as i sit here and my fingers workin on the keys..

a lot has happen this past few weeks.. im trying to make mr owl forget me.. but he still wont.. no matter hard i try.. no matter how straight forward i'd been about my feelings.. he still cant let me go..

awk.. maafkan sy.. trima kasih sbb syg sy tp sy lbh sygkn pershabatan dan ukhuwah kita dulu.. mungkin sy kejam dgn bg silent treatment kt awk.. but in the end.. you r very persistent.. sy da xtau nk wat pe lg.. so dengan ini sy terpksa ambil kptusan tuk x pedulikn awk lg..
i need to focus on my dreams.. my studies..
sy kne berjaya dahulu.. bru bleh fikir tntg hati dan perasaan ni..
jodoh ketentuan di tangan Allah..

klu la kita msih lg cma kwn cm dlu.. tentu sy bleh crita kt awk psl Alec.. sy mntk maaf tp Alec lbih istimewa buat saya.. tp sy x hrpkn dia pn.. dan awk.. sy lbih rindukn awk yg dlu adalah kwn sy.. x lbih dr itu..

maafkan saya.. tp skrg ni.. hati sy bukan utk sapa2 lagi..

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